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Oval Mounatin Lodge には3つの寝室があります。3人部屋(ロフト付)2人部屋、1人部屋です。敷地は300坪、広々とした庭があり完全プライベート空間です。陽が差し込む大きな窓のリビングは開放感溢れ、四季の移り変わりを五感で感じられます。

Oval Mountain Lodge has three bedrooms: a triple room with a loft, a double room, and a single room. The property spans 300 tsubo (approximately 992 square meters), featuring a spacious garden and offering complete privacy. The living room has large windows that let in plenty of sunlight, providing a sense of openness and allowing you to experience the changing seasons with all your senses.




We fell in love with the oak tree on this land and decided to build a house around it.

We designed the house to embrace the tree, creating an oval-shaped lodge that feels like a giant treehouse.

Please take your time to relax and enjoy this whimsical lodge at your own pace.



Hakuba Village is one of Japan's premier mountain resorts. In summer, you can enjoy activities such as mountain biking, hiking, trekking, stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), rafting, camping, barbecuing, paragliding, and horseback riding. In winter, in addition to skiing and snowboarding, you can experience snowshoeing and hot spring tours, among other activities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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